If you love movies and television shows, then you probably already know what Easter eggs are. However, if you don't then we will explain it to you.
Easter eggs are usually hidden references to other movies. Disney is notorious for doing this and so most people like to scope out the Easter eggs during Disney movies, but there can actually be Easter eggs in any movie or television show.
These Easter eggs are usually small references whether they be posted in the background, on the same carpet as a mother movie, or even a line that references the movie. Easter eggs are fun to find because it shows that everyone in the film industry works together and supports each other for the most part.
We've gathered 15 awesome Easter eggs that you probably missed when viewing the movie the first time. Movies and television shows are already pretty entertaining, but we wouldn't want to miss out on another form of entertainment.
This will probably encourage you to watch out and pay closer attention when you watch movies just to see if you can spot an Easter egg before articles like this one come out to show you what you missed. Let's dive into these 15 awesome Easter eggs that you probably missed when watching the movie the first time.
1. Toy Story
This one starts us off with a bang because who knew a kids movie would be linked to The Shining.

2. Spider-Man 2
This is really awesome and a total full-circle moment.

3. Supernatural
I've watched this whole series and I had no idea about this at all. This is pretty awesome.

4. The Simpsons
The Simpsons is one of those shows that typically has the best hidden messages and Easter eggs for people to find.

5. Spider-Man: No Way Home
This is yet another Easter egg that I'm sure no one probably even caught on to. iI's always fascinating that writers keep little tidbits of information like this to make a full-circle moment.

6. Watchmen
The eggs in watchmen are quite literal, but nobody really understood it.

7. Zodiac / True Detective
Crime isn't always what it seems.

8. Tropic Thunder
He meant it literally.

9. Sound Of Metal
Pay attention to the clothes people wear.

10. Arrested Development
Ohh, this is quite interesting axtually.

11. Psych
This is one you can look for throughout the series.

12. Oldsmobile
This sounds about right.

13. Spider-Man
This is another you can see throughout the movies.

14. Dune
I never knew this and definitely will pay attention now.

15. Batman Begins
This one is funny though.

These Easter eggs are so fun and I'm definitely going to keep a lookout for them next time I watch these movies. We also recommend paying close attention to new movies coming out to see if you can spot the Easter eggs left in those as well.
Which one of these Easter eggs was your favorite?