20 Times The Deaths Of Movie Characters Were Unnecessary and Hurtful


31 Times The Deaths Of Movie Characters Were Unnecessary and Hurtful

As a hard fan of movie series, I'm deeply aware of the importance of character deaths. Such favorite character deaths can advance the plot, advance other character arcs, and move the audience to tears (and sometimes, cheers).

However, these deaths can also be unnecessary and illogical at times. Show producers may decide to kill off a character primarily for sensationalism, or the actor may have been vilified by the network, studio, or cast and crew of the show—and their character suffers as a result.

Shortsighted producers decided to kill off these loved characters far too soon. In many of these cases, backstage strife played a role in a character's demise.

Alternatively, some producers may have thought they were being unpredictable by using the death of a character to catch the viewers by surprise. Most of the time, they make the desired impression on viewers, but it is sometimes perceived as unnecessary by viewers.

You'd think show producers would have figured it out by now. Don't kill off our favorite TV characters unless there's a compelling reason.

But it seems to happen every year. We've compiled a list of 31 movie characters whose deaths were unnecessary and ruined the entire show.

Be warned! This is likely to rekindle your rage and bitterness about television shows you thought you had forgiven.

1. In the movie 13 Reasons Why, when Justin Foley was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and he died

"He was just trying to get his life back on track. Quitting drugs, getting into uni, opening up about his sexual assault, and things were great with Jessica. Then his mom died and a few months later he also died. I remember I was so devastated when I watched the last episode."


2. The 100: When Lexa and Clarke slept together, but then, Lexa was killed by a stray bullet

"Lexa being killed off was some bullshit."


3. When Jasper poisoned himself before dying in Monty's arms in The 100

"He was a happy teen that developed depression and PTSD due to everything he went through and witnessed. He was clearly suffering, and no one other than his best friend seemed to care or help him. The show could've explored his mental health, due to him being the only 'realistic' character who showed how their journey on Earth negatively impacted their mental health. But instead the writers decided to have him kill himself."


4. When Clarke shockingly shot and killed Bellamy in The 100

"I will NEVER forgive this one. I refuse to even acknowledge the final season exists because to have such an incredible character arc for this guy, from criminal to soldier to protector to leader, only for him to be written off for most of the season and then kill him five minutes after he comes back?! And for him to be killed by Clarke, who went on most of that journey with him, who was his platonic — and romantic, in my opinion — soulmate, over something so trivial?! The worst written and unnecessary ending for a character ever."


5. When Logan died right when he and Veronica were finally happy in the movie Veronica Mars

"100000000% devastated by Logan Echolls. I don’t care if they needed to get back to more mystery and less romance. He didn’t have to die for them to do that. And then, they never made more of the show to top it all off!"


6. In the movie Killing Eve, when Villanelle was shot and killed

"I’m heartbroken, TBH. SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE AT ALL. Villanelle and Eve finally got their happy ending. They understood each other and I think they could've been really good together. I get that the show needed to end but this wasn’t the way. I WANT ONE F**KING HAPPY ENDING FOR THE GAYS. STOP KILLING US."


7. In the movie Orange Is the New Black, when Poussey died after CO Bayley restrained her

"Poussey from OITNB doesn’t need to be said because it has been said enough but I’m gonna say her anyway."


8. In Orange Is the New Black again, when Pennsatucky died of a drug overdose

"Just as she was growing into the person she should be, she was killed off. And what she'd feared didn't happen anyway! She passed the test!"


9. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Tara was killed by a stray bullet

"It's been 20 years and I’m still not over it. The set up of the episode, the shock of it happening! For her entire time on the show, Amber Benson was always billed as a guest star. And when she finally got her own title sequence in the opening credits, she was killed off that very episode. It was such a shock that she got killed, and even though the Dark Willow storyline was great, Tara didn't need to die in that way."


10. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, when Anya was stabbed during the final battle

"I'm still sad over it. It happened so randomly at the very end."


11. When Carl was bitten by a walker after saving a new survivor in The Walking Dead

"It was done purely for shock value and made no sense. He meant more (to me, at least) to the series than Judith because we actually got to see Carl grow up. RIP Carl, you deserved better."


12. In Supernatural, when Dean died during the series finale

"After 15 years of character development, the writers tore it all down in the series finale by killing him off in a stupid hunt. He deserved to live and find a shred of happiness, because that was the legacy of Castiel's sacrifice (and don't EVEN get me started on that)!"


13. In Supernatural, when Castiel saved Dean's life, only to die when he was consumed by the Empty seconds later

"Castiel sacrificed himself to save Dean from death, and then Dean died an episode later, making Castiel's death all for nothing."

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