We look at actors as artists, as someone who is always confident in the masterpiece he is making. But, they are just people working at their jobs and doing the best they can.
So, you have to wonder, have you ever made a mistake while working? Presumably, you did at some point, for they are unavoidable.
No matter how hard you try, pay attention to every single detail, be careful about work tasks, mistakes will always find their way, and that is as normal as it sounds. And guess what, the actors also make mistakes during the movie production.
Even the most competent and talented actors make mistakes now and then, and it's not an unusual thing. You could never imagine how many movie scenes were filmed due to the actors' accidental missteps.
And the best part is that you have watched them without even noticing that it was some mistake. Actually, they completely fit into the film and made it better, so the directors decided to keep it.
For these unexpected movie scenes, which turned out to be perfect in the end, we should be grateful to our idols. They know how to use their creativity and improvisation.
Although they were filmed by someone's mistake and not as planned, they've become favorites. Herein are some of the best perfect mistakes.
1. Guardians of the Galaxy — the sphere scene
Chris Pratt accidentally dropped the sphere, but he stayed in character. His clumsiness and resourcefulness made the perfect scene together.

2. Avengers — the blueberries
During filming Avengers, Robert had snacks all the time. The scene in which he offers blueberries to Captain America and the Hulk was not a planned one, he just forgot to leave his snacks.

3. The Princess Diaries — the fall
Although this scene wasn't planned, the real felt of Anne Hathaway stayed in the movie because it was suitable for her character.

4. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring — knife throwing
This dramatic scene was for real. The actor accidentally slipped a knife straight at Viggo's head. Viggo had instinctively reacted and hit the knife with a sword, so it smashed into pieces.

5. Midnight Cowboy — the taxi
Dustin Hoffman got his character very seriously. When he got almost hit by the car, accidentally, he started yelling at the driver, "I’m walking here! Get out of here!".

6. Casino Royale — the beach scene
Daniel Craig accidentally fell into the river, but they filmed it. It was a good prank when instead of seeing a chick in a bikini, you see Agent 007 in swim briefs.
BTW those briefs reached a value of $72,000 at the auction sale.

7. The Dark Knight — the hospital explosion
An explosion scene was a real technical glitch, and the reaction of Heath Ledger saved the scene, so it did not have to be filmed with pyrotechnic effects

8. American Sniper — the scene with a baby
The baby that was supposed to act in the scene got a fever, so Bradley Cooper held a plastic doll. Paying attention to the movement of the baby's hand, Bradley moved it very imperceptibly, and it looks like a real baby.

9. Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark — the fight
This scene was supposed to be a long fight scene with the guy in black, but Harrison Ford didn’t feel well that day, and Steven Spielberg told him just to shoot the enemy because he wanted to stay in a shooting schedule.

10. Django Unchained — the dining room scene
Leonardo DiCaprio was so devoted to the scene he was working on, that he didn't even notice the moment when he had cut his arm. Quentin Tarantino continued shooting, and the scene had turned out to be fascinating.

11. The Usual Suspects — the police office scene
When a physiological need calls you, you have to respond to it. So happened here when Benicio Del Toro has been called for several times.
Gabriel Byrne had covered his nose, so you can guess what physiological need we are talking about.

12. Captain America: The First Avenger — the touch
Hayley Atwell revealed that she was not supposed to touch Captain’s America chest, but she couldn’t resist Chris Evans’s perfect body.

Have you ever noticed that something was not ok while you had watched these movies? Probably you didn't, because actors stayed cool and in character, who would ever think that something is not as planned to be?