Movie posters are one of the main marketing tools that studios use to promote their films. They are placed in theaters, on buses, trains, and other forms of public transportation, as well as in various retail locations.
They are also used to promote films online. Often very elaborate and eye-catching, they feature colorful graphics and large text. They are designed to entice people to see the film.
For fans, movie posters can be valuable collector's items, and sometimes original promotion materials from older films can sell for thousands of dollars. Some of them have also been featured in art exhibits.
Movie posters are supposed to be eye-catching and draw attention to the film. However, sometimes they go a little too far with Photoshop.
Most people don't really spot the mistakes on movie posters. But some keen observers look closely and find the most ridiculous of things.
Today, we're looking at the 13 movie posters that were unfortunately botched because of how they were Photoshopped. From irregularly placed hands and harms to ruined head proportions, it makes you wonder how these mistakes were missed by the movie's art department.
We hope that these posters will make you chuckle and brighten up your day a bit. It just goes to show that even the pros find it hard to produce impeccable works in the face of deadlines.
1. The Dark Knight
If you're wondering why Batman can't nip the crime rates in the bud, well here's your answer. He's not looking through the window.
Instead, he looks like he's appreciating the window frame.

2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I
Erwin Schroedinger would probably be clapping his hands if he sees this poster. That's because Harry is both inside and outside the subway car.
We know it's absurd. But if consider Hogwarts magic, everything's possible!

3. Gulliver’s Travels
It's not shocking that Jack Black is being tied up by small men. He is Gulliver after all.
But if you look at his mouth closely, you'll see that his teeth and tongue aren't there! Now we'd like to ask the artist the reason why he decided to remove everything in his mouth.

4. 300
King Leonidas fights with a spear in the film. But for some reason, he's fighting with a sword in this poster.
And that's not all! Look closely and you'll notice that it looks like the sword is floating behind his hand.

5. Solace
Poor Colin Farell. His head proportions got ruined when the art team decided to make his head as big as Anthony Hopkins’.

6. Logan
Logan tells the story of Wolverine and Lora, a young mutant girl. In this photo, Hugh Jackman's hand is quite bigger than Dafne Keen's.
So it makes people wonder. How can a child have such long fingers?

7. Watchmen
The flamethrower is all lit up. But The Comedian isn't even pulling the trigger mechanism.

8. Going the Distance
Drew Barrymore may be hugging her on-screen partner in a romantic way. But just look at her hand.
There are two possibilities here. It's either Barrymore's shoulder is short or the artist forgot to retouch the final movie poster version.

9. The Accidental Husband
The movie plot tells us that a man in a suit and a fireman fell for a woman named Emma Lloyd. But aren't they positioned in a way that they can conveniently catch her?

10. Over Her Dead Body
Was this poster done at the last minute? Or were the producers mad at Eva Longoria?
Almost every aspect of her in this poster is just wrong. It feels like her head was glued on another person's body, her knees were removed, and her arms, especially the right one, were elongated.

11. Terminator Genisys

12. Ready Player One
That is one long leg. We wonder how tall this guy is.

13. Beauty and the Beast
Rose without thorns is just unnatural. But if Beauty and the Beast, you'll see that the flower doesn't have a single thorn.
They probably didn't want Emma Watson to get hurt or perhaps it's an artist error. We'll never know.

Posters are an important part of movie history.
They provide a glimpse into how studios marketed their films. They are also a source of inspiration for contemporary artists.
Unfortunately, these movie posters will always be infamous for how they were designed. Have you seen other movie posters with errors that aren't on this list?